Apple Pinkie 6L

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Disease resistant apple, brightly coloured blush pink with good acid/sugar balance in mid season. An attractive small weeping tree. Grown on semi-dwarfing rootstock, stake for support.

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Disease resistant apple, brightly coloured blush pink with good acid/sugar balance in mid season. An attractive small weeping tree. Grown on semi-dwarfing rootstock, stake for support.

Disease resistant apple, brightly coloured blush pink with good acid/sugar balance in mid season. An attractive small weeping tree. Grown on semi-dwarfing rootstock, stake for support.

Apple Peasgood's Nonsuch PB28
Apple Autento (Dwarf) PB28
Apple Liberty PB18
Limequat Eustis 2.5L
Apple Blush Babe PB28