Leptospermum Pattersonii PB6.5

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Manuka / Lemon Scented Tea Tree

This is a fast-growing evergreen, open-branched shrub or small tree with small, narrow pale green leaves. White flowers with green centers bloom in summer on arching, pendulous branches. The leaves, if crushed, give off a lemon scent. It will grow in seaside conditions. Full sun. It is slightly frost-tender. Evergreen

Mature height: 5m x 4m

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Manuka / Lemon Scented Tea Tree

This is a fast-growing evergreen, open-branched shrub or small tree with small, narrow pale green leaves. White flowers with green centers bloom in summer on arching, pendulous branches. The leaves, if crushed, give off a lemon scent. It will grow in seaside conditions. Full sun. It is slightly frost-tender. Evergreen

Mature height: 5m x 4m

Manuka / Lemon Scented Tea Tree

This is a fast-growing evergreen, open-branched shrub or small tree with small, narrow pale green leaves. White flowers with green centers bloom in summer on arching, pendulous branches. The leaves, if crushed, give off a lemon scent. It will grow in seaside conditions. Full sun. It is slightly frost-tender. Evergreen

Mature height: 5m x 4m

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